John Wise
John is the owner and founder of Sespe Creek Organics. He started farming organically in 1989, and throughout the early 1990’s actively participated in efforts to help others convert to organic farming in Ventura County.
Gerardo Orozco
Gerardo is Sespe's Packing House Foreman and has been with Sespe from the start. That's 25 years, folks.
Rudy Orozco
Rudy is our Ranch Foreman and Gerardo’s brother who has been taking care of the orchards and managing the picking since the 1980s.
Catalina Wise
Catalina runs the Food Safety program and has been working along-side John since before Sespe Creek Organics was created. She designed the Sespe logo.
Monica Wise
Monica was born on the ranch the year after it became organic. She’s worked in the office and packing house and now handles press and media inquires.
Liz Niles
Liz will join the team this year. She will also be at Organicology 2015!